PsychicFarhat - Family Issues and Love Reading
PsychicFarhat - Family Issues, Love Reading, Dream Dictionary in Curtea de Argeș . book reading , personality testing , listening music , yoga , and loving nature . I m a heale...
More »KittyRussel - Relocation and Angel Reading
KittyRussel - Relocation, Angel Reading, Spiritual Guidance in Curtea de Argeș . Hi friend, I am a gifted card reader here to answer all your burning questions as well as help y...
More »TheTruth - Pendulum and Career And Work
TheTruth - Pendulum, Career And Work, Tarot Cards in Curtea de Argeș . FREEDOM Although I began reading tarot around 5 years ago, I have always been able to pick up on energies ...
More »MarthaSun - Dance and Fantasy
MarthaSun - Dance, Fantasy, Beauty in Curtea de Argeș . Hi! I’m Martha, a psychic reader who absolutely loves cards and cats
More »MattRaven - Birthdate Analysis and Love Reading
MattRaven - Birthdate Analysis, Love Reading, Past Life in Curtea de Argeș . Hello! My Name is Matt. Born-Psychic, No-Tools needed. October 9th, 1994 was the day I entered thi...
More »AAAWallPredict - Dance and Travel
AAAWallPredict - Dance, Travel, Fashion in Curtea de Argeș . Acurate Readings based on my personal gifts! No tools no cards; almost 30 years experience in Parapsychology; Master...
More »giftedara - Relocation and Traveling
giftedara - Relocation, Traveling, Family Issues in Curtea de Argeș . Greetings! I am Ara, an empath with clairvoyance. I can directly speak to my guides and angels to gain insi...
More »ReadingswithJenn - Dance and Get_it_on
ReadingswithJenn - Dance, Get_it_on, Beauty in Curtea de Argeș . Hello, I'm Jenna! After a NDE I was given the gift of mediumship. I am clairvoyant and psychic as well. I have ta...
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